Lino John
1 min readNov 16, 2019


Why money is the master of mind?

Money is the most sweetest word that can decide your future and social status.why money is the master mind behind everything is a considerable topic of discussion that is to be triggered in a society where people are lived and died only for existing as a wealthy man or women.

Money makes you powerful

Always the most powerful person in a society is the wealthiest human being because money makes him accessible to anything and commanding as he wish .Many industrialists and corporate companies hold the power to accomplish any of their needs with their political and social influence in society.

Money gives you respect

Begger is disrespected because he is economically insufficient for his own needs. But when one becomes financially rich he is treated and honoured in a well royal manners because of his economic superiority over the others. In your family also most earned member will be more honoured and awarded with compliments , that's the real power of money.

Money provides good life

Life of miseries and debts is not the dream life of anyone. A good life need enough money to meet the daily and emergency needs with all entertainment ,fun, vacation , family function. So money can satisfy people in providing a good normal life.

Money offer high class relations
Good family relations and high class contacts are the money offer to an economically rich person.

Money spiceup celebrity acceptance
Money sufficiency is success symbol

