Lino John
2 min readMar 13, 2018


Wisewomens account book cum diary A business success model.

Business tips are not only the golden scripts written on expensive books but also they are minute sparks we feel when hear or see something interesting. Last day when I was attending a funeral,there the elder son of departed mother said about
some good qualities his mother followed.Among them most interesting was that mother's habbit of dairy writing about daily activities whatever it was,includes financial dealings ,visitors ,food dishes and even all minute details like who all called her that day.

Whats the importance of dairy writing in business ,you may think? The positive side of diary writting is the recollection of all incidents that happened on a particular day and even you can think more about anything whether we are wrong or right,which is a great opportunity.

In business financial transaction are very important ,single penny is considered valuable if you are serious about your wealth,so a revision of your accounts like expenses and revenue you have today.

After a month or some year later even you can read those dairy notes and laugh or even point out anything which you may not remember.If some one said that he has given you some money as credit you can cross check it at your dairy.Also it's interesting to read accounts inbetween the real life stories.So the wisewomens dairy writing habits can be a successful business tip.

I know many such women housewife's doing such practices even though they are not big entrepreneurs,they note down things just to remember their day today activities in their own language for self satisfaction and also for someone to quarrel with life partners about money spend unnecessarily.

One of my favourite story is about a young lady who refused to marry the prince of that empire until he learn a job to live by himself even though he is the prince.And the carpet weiving skill learned for marrying that wise women helped young prince to escape from the thieves who kidnapped him. Wise women can be the life savers of every business,they have more power to predict future.

Today so start a new business step to note down important incidents and accounts of your day and have a nice sleep. A Brighter tomorrow with more positivity is waiting for you .

